Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Not much new

There has not been too much new going on here.  Missions have been the standard set.  Escorts, In-Fils, Ex-Fils, Medevac coverage, and looking for lost UAV's (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles).  The "Deathstalkers" did get 3 more insurgent kills, along with 2 wounded and captured.  I have been told that missions will slow down in the winter.  I then can concentrate on completing some of the pilots APARTS (Annual Proficiency And Readiness Training).  It is a once a year training flight where the rated pilot flies with his instructor pilot just to confirm that the rated pilot is proficient in all tasks and manuevers that are required to operate and employ the AH-64D.  Right now we have 3 pilots that are in their APART "window".   While waiting for missions we have all been busy playing "Tiger Woods Golf" on the Xbox in the CP (Command Post).  Everyone has designed a player that looks and acts like themselves.  It makes the time go by fast.

Tiger Woods Golf

Saturday, November 13, 2010


This week there has been action in the bowl to the south of Shank called Chark.  There is a US outpost there and they have started to patrol the city area on foot.  A few days ago one of our day AWTs was flying in support of the ground element, when the ground guys started taking fire.  The AH-64's followed some of the "bad guys" across the river to a urban area where they thought they had refuge.  As the AH-64's circled, the bad guys on the ground still had possession of their weapons and seemed to move tactically looking at the helicopters as if they were trying to get in a position to fire.  The AH-64's got clearance to  fire at the group of insurgents and launched a F/A Hellfire (Blast Fragmentation) missile and put it right between two structures where the bad guys were. The end result was 4 enemy killed and 2 wounded.  Hopefully that will be a lesson to those guys that we can find, follow, and engage them, even when they think they are protected by the urban area.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Everybody in place

All of our pilots and crew chiefs have arrived and everybody is getting to work.
Tonight should be the last orientation flights for our new arrivals and they will
be put on the mission schedule as either day AWT or night AWT (Air Weapons Team).
I flew the last 2 nights.  Last night/day we provided air cover for a 20 vehicle ground
convoy that was providing resupply to a nearby base.  The convoy route had a history of
IED's and ambush points.  We screened ahead of the convoy and reported to them anything
that seemed out of the norm.  They arrived at their destination and we broke station and returned
back to Shank.  They rest of the shift we were able to catch up on Monday night Football. 

After returning from convoy escort

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

IED emplacers "Terminated"

Last night a surveillance system identified some people placing an IED in a road not
to far from here.  An AWT (Air Weapons Team) was launched to the area and completed
a handover from the surveillance system for positive identification.  The IED emplacers were
then "Terminated" with a Hellfire Missile.  As far as Shank goes, operations are normal.  I did
download some movies from a friends hard drive.  I downloaded the entire collection of "The Twilight Zone".  Those are always fun to watch.  Some (3) of our pilots also arrived last night from Baghram.  It was good to see them arrive.  The rest should arrive later tonight. Then they will go through 2 days of
academics, 2 flights of the local area (day/night), and then put on the schedule for normal missions.