Last night a surveillance system identified some people placing an IED in a road not
to far from here. An AWT (Air Weapons Team) was launched to the area and completed
a handover from the surveillance system for positive identification. The IED emplacers were
then "Terminated" with a Hellfire Missile. As far as Shank goes, operations are normal. I did
download some movies from a friends hard drive. I downloaded the entire collection of "The Twilight Zone". Those are always fun to watch. Some (3) of our pilots also arrived last night from Baghram. It was good to see them arrive. The rest should arrive later tonight. Then they will go through 2 days of
academics, 2 flights of the local area (day/night), and then put on the schedule for normal missions.
Barry,I'm glad that the IED folks met their fate. Now maybe shortly those lobbing mortars into the camp can be simarily dealt with. Stay safe and we love you. Love Mom & Dad