Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Long Trip

Well after a long trip, I have finally arrived in Afghanistan.  We left Fort Drum, New York on a chartered DC-10 for Ireland.  From Ireland our next stop was in Romania then to Krychtstan (Spelling?).  We spent about 2 days there waiting for our next leg of the trip (a C-17 flight) to Bagrham, Afghanistan.  Once in Bagrham, we did some general academics on Rules of Engagement and other aviation related topics.  Bagrham was a very busy and sprawling airfield.  There were aircraft from Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Army all operating from there.  After a day and a half we were getting on a C-130 for the flight to FOB Shank.  All totaled, it took us a week to arrive from Fort Drum never spending more than a day and a half at any location.


  1. Hi Barry, we are happy that you have arrived safely. We hope you get acclimated soon. we just finished talking to Son Mi about sending things you need. We will send ASAP. We think of you every day, love you, keep safe, and keep your "head on a swivel". We also will get with Greg to set up Skype.
    Love, Mom & Dad

  2. Hi Barry,
    This is Larry and Suzanne Hoffman. We are so proud of you! Stay safe and we will keep you in our prayers! Please feel free to email us at
